the other day. I am to sketch, draw and/or paint whatever I wish on one page. I chose to fill that page with sketches of Peptalk, a horse I rode in my riding lessons for almost three years. He has since passed over the rainbow bridge. But I will always remember him.
I did the sketches from photos I took of him at liberty and in his stall. Some of the photos were blurry due to low light and I did not want to use the flash. (The flash can wash-out colors and flatten details plus create odd shadows.) However, I was able to "un-blur" the pictures in the sketches due to my knowledge of horse anatomy and close familiarity with the subject.
The sketchbook is 6 x 8 and is called a Clearprint Vellum Book.
Images from all of the Cross-Country Clearprint project participants will be available online at
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