Sunday, June 05, 2016

Alexander Art Course - The Journey Begins

I recently embarked on a new journey in oils. After switching from regular oil paints to water miscible several years ago, I am once again about to learn how to paint.

The decision to use water miscibles instead of regular oil paints was made due to the fumes created by the turps and thinners one must use. Recently, I found out that Alexander Art has a method of using regular oil paints, but you no longer need to use turpentine or paint thinner to clean your brushes!

I am ready to begin the painting projects in the first course. All of my supplies have arrived and I've purchased everything else I need to do the first six paintings.

The course fee included six (6) canvases, two brushes with a palette knife, the reformulated Magic White and Highlighting Yellow, four (4) basic colors, and a cute little bottle of clear oil called Magic Clear. Teehee!

I had to purchase some other basic items like some interior water-based household paints. I already had some other items necessary for cleaning the "practice board" (included in the class fee) and brushes.

Again, there are no toxic products! I will be cleaning my brushes with painting wipes (or baby wipes) and a mixture of water, vegetable oil with a clear dish washing detergent.

I spent a couple of hours one afternoon preparing all my canvases and practice board.

The environmentally friendly cleanup concoction has also been prepared. I made it in my kitchen with absolutely no worries about contaminating any food surfaces. And it smells wonderful!

If you are curious about this non-toxic method of oil painting see the site and join for free.

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