Here are three more photos I took at the Pirogovo Open Air Museum near Kiev, Ukraine. This set contains the last of my Windmills series. I have other photos but these 5 are the best. Lastly I uploaded a floral photo I took while walking around the museum. Aren't they pretty? If anyone knows what kind of flower they are please let me know!
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Friday, January 11, 2008
I am falling into the habit of only adding three new works to my gallery at a time. This seems to be a good amount of work to talk about briefly in a blog without boring anyone to death.
When I am out with my camera it is usually just used for taking reference pictures for future projects. However, once in awhile, there is a gem. Because the pictures were not taken for the sole purpose of selling them as prints, I did not use the best digital format (RAW) so the largest print one can purchase is usually only around 11x14 inches. But I hope you enjoy them anyway and if you *really* like them please take a moment and consider purchasing a small version for less than $1.95 USD. This is a steal for most overseas collectors when one considers the exchange rate in today's market.
These photos including "Windmill With Storm Cloud" were taken during a trip to Ukraine to visit my brother. They have an open air museum called the Pirogovo. It is located about 30 minutes outside of the capital city of Kiev. Except for the first day I was there it rained every day. Fortunately, this made for very unique and interesting skies.
"Windmill With UFO" is interesting because I have absolutely no clue what the little blur is behind the windmill on the left. I thought of fixing the picture in Photoshop but I do not like to mess with the photos very much and decided to leave it. I cannot explain the blur. I think it is just a bug. But who knows?
"Windmill In A Field of Yellow Flowers" turned out beautifully with purply-looking clouds. I think this is an illusion because the flowers are such a bright yellow. I know the colors are correct because there is just a bit of blue sky showing behind the clouds in the upper right corner.
You can see my entire blog here.
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
Sometimes just getting started takes an extreme effort. For my art, it's easier if my supplies are already out and set up. Preparation can take so long that by the time you actually begin work it is time to stop. I'm not sure there is anything to learn here except that in order to get to the finish one must first start. Once you have the momentum going it is easier to take the next step and continue.
That reminds me of one of my favorite characters in a book. His name is Miles. In the first few novels he is constantly saying "Forward momentum!" Of course this gets him into a lot of trouble and in order to get out of trouble he must keep the momentum going or he will die, or someone else will die -- in other words, something very bad will happen.
So keep this as a reminder to just get started and let the momentum carry you through to the end -- or the beginning -- of every endeavor.
You can see my entire blog here.
If you need to email me directly, please click here.